Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hyperactivity in brain may explain multiple symptoms of depression

Hyperactivity in brain may explain multiple symptoms of depression

Depression is an issue that has always been close to me since there are a number of people that are close to me that suffer from it. This linked article is a new explanation of the physiology of depression and helps us paint a clearer picture of the culprit that causes this debilitating disease. If you or someone you know suffers from depression, and they feel like they have tried everything from psychotherapy to dozens of different drugs, there are other options for treatment. I would encourage anyone with depression to explore how to take control of their treatment themselves, and with the support of people they trust, they can beat it. There are a number of meditation programs that will rapidly change the mind from a depressed state to one of peace and well-being. I have experienced this for myself. Meditation changes the connection in the brain and allows the regulation of brain connections, thereby naturally curing this attribute of depression. Meditation is the best holistic means of healing depression because it enables changes in the brain, the lifestyle, and emotional state of being. There is always hope.


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